Andrew Shearer header
  • Andrew Shearer@Gloabal Cafe 2014
  •  I've been listening to At The Water's Edge - very impressed, really like it. Has a sort of 
Lou Reed / Velvet Underground feel to it - good songs, quite quirky and unusual, thoughtful lyrics and some stand out guitar playing! Brian Hurrell, Wychwood,
  •  Andrew Shearer@ Monument Newbury 2014. Photo by Wendy Page
  •  Listening to Andrew Shearer's CD, At The Water's Edge. Very impressed! *Dances* Raji K


Cold Heart


(Thanks to Emilia Maria Zbuka for being the "cold heart" in the cover photo.)

You're so cool
I burn to touch
I thought it was just a cold front
But in the heat of the moment
I soon found out
All you've got is just a cold heart

You're nobody's fool
You don't care too much
I hoped it was just a cold front
But in the heat of the moment
I soon found out
All you've got is just a cold heart

I fell for glacial passion
Under your spell
I thought I was in heaven
Too cold for hell
But in the heat of the moment
I soon found out
All you've got is just a cold heart

It makes me shiver
I was in love with you
You looked so nice
But you're as cold as ice
And in the heat of the moment
I soon found out
All you've got is just a cold heart

What has made you this way?
What is the pain that you've frozen away?
Is there a wound you hide?
Why are you so numb inside?
What has happend to you before?
Could you trust enough to thaw?
Could you shed a melting tear?
Would you ever let anyone get near?

You say you don't want to be tied down
You want to be free and travel around
Well I hope you don't get too travel sick
It's a long way to the Artic

You're an Artic wolf in sheep's disguise
But I've pulled the wool from over my eyes
So go and find yourself a polar bear
Go on, go and see if I care
'Cos all you've got is just a cold heart
All you've got is just a cold heart
All you've got is just a cold heart
All you've got is just a cold heart

© 2008 Andrew Shearer.

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