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  • <strong>CD</strong> artwork for <strong>At The Water's Edge</strong>
  • <strong>CD</strong> artwork for <strong>At The Water's Edge</strong>

At The Water's Edge: 14-Track CD

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" array of very strong songs, with catchy choruses, demonstrating a strong singing voice and real passion for his songs - I'd recommend checking Andrew out live soon." Joanne Kelly, Reading Radio DJ

"Listening to Andrew Shearer's CD, "At The Water's Edge." Very impressed! *Dances*" Raji Kulatilake, Reading musician

"I've been listening to At The Water's Edge - very impressed, really like it, has a sort of Lou Reed/Velvet Underground feel to it - good songs, quite quirky and unusual, thoughtful lyrics and some stand out guitar playing!" Brian Hurrell, Farnham musician

"a cracking singer/songwriter" Aquillo, Farnham Band

"You've Got The Magic Back...they are great lyrics and very pertinent to my thoughts." Jayne Ferst, novelist

"I thought Something Wild was an old Velvet Underground tune I hadn't heard. Excellent!!? I dig it all." Obdan, YouTube user

"Absolutely love this song (Something Wild)"
dennycranelocknload, YouTube user


If I'm honest At The Water's Edge is far a from perfect album. It was done completely the wrong way round with me recording it at home straight-off (but mastered in California) whereas I should have gone out and played live and met some musician s and then gone into a studio. Hindsight is a great thing!

In spite of me looking back and wishing I'd done things differently, At The Water's Edge has had quite a lot of praise. In particular Something Wild seems to be a favourite and has had some airplay and indeed has even been used as the backing for an advert.

Having played live now for over a year I know the songs stand up and indeed have grown and evolved. At some point I would like to record the songs again in the way that I think they now deserve. I guess At The Water's Edge CD can be viewed as a deluxe demo (only 1000 copies have been pressed) and an indication of where I'm headed.

More details of the songs can be found here.

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Remember the album is free if you join the mailing list.