I just found that there were some things that I wanted to write which people may have been interested in and yet I didn't think warranted a newsletter. A case in point is that I've got a really bad case of tinnitus. I've tried to be careful over the last couple of years but I guess my ears have taken quite a hammering. There have been very few days that I haven't worked. I couldn't afford to, what with all the technical problems last year. And I'm always conscious of time ticking by.
I've got to say it's a little distressing, this constant ringing in my right ear. I'm annoyed with myself, perhaps I should've been more careful. Or maybe it's not related to the work at all. Seems unlikely really. Hopefully the ringing is not permanent and there's no lasting damage. Maybe it's just my body saying "Take a break, give us a rest"? So this past week I haven't been recording / mixing but doing all the admin stuff which if truth be known has been neglected.
And tomorrow is the weekend and I'm not going to do anything work-related at all. Hopefully that'll fix it.
Have a good weekend.