Andrew Shearer header
  • Andrew Shearer@Gloabal Cafe 2014
  •  I've been listening to At The Water's Edge - very impressed, really like it. Has a sort of 
Lou Reed / Velvet Underground feel to it - good songs, quite quirky and unusual, thoughtful lyrics and some stand out guitar playing! Brian Hurrell, Wychwood,
  •  Andrew Shearer@ Monument Newbury 2014. Photo by Wendy Page
  •  Listening to Andrew Shearer's CD, At The Water's Edge. Very impressed! *Dances* Raji K


Mother Earth


Mother Earth
Could I ever find another lover
To take your place
Some kind adulteress
To rescue me from the wilderness
Of your face

Your body
Sometimes I get the impression
It's so soiled
You've been walked over so often
And yet not quite spoiled

And the wealthy businessmen
Take you to the clubs, restaurants and bars
Where people hide their fears
In smokey atmospheres
And you try to hide
Your acid tears

But now
We're both alone
And I see you in your pastel shades
And in the autumn twilight
You make me feel
I'm in love

© 2012 Andrew Shearer.