Andrew Shearer header
  • Joanne Kelly & Andrew Shearer @ Gloabal Cafe 2012
  • Nice Set Last Night ... Really Cool Jon Hubbard, Hubcap Promotions, Reading Promoter
  • Something Wild Andrew Shearer
  • I thought Something Wild was an Old Velvet Underground tune I hadn't heard. Excellent!!? I dig it all. Obdan, YouTube User

GIGS 2012

Tuesday 6th November 2012

Rhu Bar, 21 London Street, Basingstoke, RG21 7NT

Silverscreen Band / Andrew Shearer

"Obama 1 : American Pie 0"

I was very pleased to be asked to support Mark Stratton (from 12 Truths) and Merv Young and Stuart Wheaton (from Aquillo) in their super group Silverscreen Band last night.

For my set there seemed to be some good interaction with the audience who at times were quite appreciative. Interestingly last night I felt that my own material was better received than the "crowd pleasers". It's always risky playing American Pie but it was the look of not another b***dy verse, that persuaded me to miss two verses out. I'm coming to the conclusion that perhaps it's not such a good one to end on anymore (or perhaps even play) but the theory was that it would get everyone going for the next band. (When I say going, I don't mean leaving, you understand.) It was amusing to catch the consternation of Silverscreen Band as I started Sympathy For The Devil, you didn't need to be a member of MENSA to deduce that it was in their their set too; I guess there are some advantages to being the support act. I very much enjoyed Silverscreen Band's subsequent set, a six piece of very accomplished musician s (singer, bass, two guitars, sax, cajon) belting out some modern classics.

Thanks to Luke Paulo for venturing out and showing support.

Unfortunately the stage lighting wasn't great but the videos below give a sense of the evening.

My Set: