"I Never Did Anything Out Of THe Blue Except...."

Well, what can I say? I'll admit that I was bit nervous about this gig. I like the guys from Chalk Angels a lot but their music is probably not what I'd choose to listen to and so I was a bit nervous about how their audience would react to me. And as recognition of the fact, in Bowie's Ashes To Ashes I sang: "I never did anything out of the blue except sing for Chalk Angels," which thankfully had the desired effect of causing a few laughs. Anyway, I needn't have worried, in fact I'd almost go as far as to say last night's audience was one of the most attentive I've experienced. Some acts seem to think it's below them to watch the support but that wasn't the case with Chalk Angels or Dan Curtis last night. If you're reading this guys, that was much appreciated and obviously duly noted.
There's a bit of history between myself and Chalk Angels as they were at Hubfest last year. In fact it occurs to me now, that I shouldn't be surprised by their attentiveness as lead guitarist Lance Kirton watched me open the festival last year and indeed amusingly joined in with the singing of Perfect Day which I clearly had to do last night.
Anyway, what of the other acts? I've been aware of Dan Curtis but had never met or seen him until last night when I discovered a very talented acoustic songwriter. And what about Chalk Angels? Do you know what? They blew me away. I know it's their home ground and crowd but they were really cool and full of energy. I think the combination of them all together is far greater than the sum of the striking individual talents of Sam on drums, Lance on guitar, Tonia on bass and Jim on vocals. A very cool, charasmatic band (and very easy to get great pictures of too). The deal clincher for me was when they did Louie Louie which I know from the Kinks' cover. I think you can see both Dan Curtis and the Chalk Angels at this year's Hubfest on 22nd June, along with that other favourite Paula Curtis. (Dan and Paula are such good songwriters that you'd think they were related but Dan is too good looking for him to be related to Paula (:-)).
A very enjoyable and satisfying night.
Coincedently, talking of Hubfest, last year's Hubfest was the gig where I received that great review from Reading4U DJ Joanne Kelly. I understand she will be playing a track of mine on her show tonight (Sunday at 6pm). As always Joanne, thanks!
My Set
- Cold Heart
- Ashes to Ashes (David Bowie)
- Can't Let Go
- The Things That She Said
- Silent Valley
- Sympathy For The Devil (Jagger / Richards)
- Get Up!
- Last Night I Saw You Standing There
- Perfect Day (Lou Reed)

Also, just a reminder I have a gig next Friday (14th) with Robert Sowden and Helen Reid at The Horn, Reading, (RG1 2LS). I'm very pleased to be playing with these two artists whom I've already praised frequently on these pages (Rob here & Helen here). I believe the format of the night will be Rob, from 7:00-9:00pm, doing his highly entertaining and enjoyable "hits and classics". If, like me, you are a big fan of 70s and 80s pop / rock (with a few more recent hits thrown in) then you should come along and have a great night. (You can see Rob performing Bowie's Star Man here). I'll then come on about 9:00pm and do a 30-45 mins sets and then Helen will finish the night off at about 9:45pm. The format may change so please refer to this page for the latest details.