............................................................................................................. Newsletter - 22nd December 2010 As always this time of year offers the perfect opportunity to say thanks for all your support and interest in 2010..... |
............................................................................................................. Blog - 20th December 2010 Not a big fan but really enjoyed the excellent Believe: The Eddie Izzard Story..... There's a BBC Imagine special on Ray Davies tomorrow..... |
............................................................................................................. Newsletter - 11th December 2010 And the winner is... |
............................................................................................................. Blog - 10th December 2010 New CD artwork for At The Water's Edge can be found here. (Those of you that have "liked" the "FaceBook Like" button - thanks!) |
............................................................................................................. Blog - 30th November 2010 - Competition Extension Well, surprise, surprise, as has seemingly been the story of this album, the artwork for At The Water's Edge CD wasn't straight-forward and took longer than I wanted or expected. I know some suspect me of being over-indulgent... more |
............................................................................................................. Blog - 2nd November 2010 Looks like I'm going to give those badass hip-hopsters a run for their money in the profanity stakes: all of At The Water's Edge songs have been classed as "Explicit" in most of the the online stores! The problem should be sorted out over the next couple of weeks but even with the...more |
............................................................................................................. Newsletter - 20th October 2010 Bryan Ferry competition: free CD Copy of At The Water's Edge plus £15 Amazon Voucher to be won. For more details, please visit here |
............................................................................................................. Newsletter - 11th October 2010 Apparently we're on Replay Radio (www.ReplayRadio.net) this evening, sometime after 9.00pm. Andrew PS Something Wild was played and can be streamed again from here |
............................................................................................................. Newsletter - 8th October 2010 Well it seems this ReverbNation thing was a good idea (pales into insignificance when compared with all the bad ideas I've had, but that's another story). It seems that we're now at position 38 in the local charts (Click here for the latest position). I realise... |
............................................................................................................. Newsletter - 8th October 2010 Whilst we're in "promo mode", we should also tell you that we've put one of our most popular songs, "The Things That She Said", on the THESIXTYONE site. If you like the song, could we ask you to show your support by ♥ it please? Thanks..... |
............................................................................................................. BLOG - 30th September 2010 Good Grief! How did that happen?
We're 89 in the local ReverbNation charts, gone up 1357 places!
here) |
............................................................................................................. NEWSLETTER - 28th September 2010 Free Download - Crackerjack
![]() Hi, Just thought I'd let you know that there is a free download available of Crackerjack here. Why today? And why Crackerjack? Well, it was three years ago that I finally worked up enough courage to take the "ridiculously stupid" decision to resign and to try and make a record. And Crackerjack was the song that I wrote in tribute to the colleagues and friends that made up the "Crackerjack..... |
............................................................................................................. BLOG - 1st September 2010 Seems pretty cool being able to FTP the masters back for approval from sun-drenched California to post-festival Reading in the UK. (Don't usually see "sun-drenched" and Reading in the same sentence, though to be fair the weather has been good the past couple of days). Masters are sounding good - I think we're almost there! (:-) Reckon we're looking at early October release now. |
............................................................................................................. BLOG - 26th August 2010 Well, the mastering didn't go well with Andy Jackson and we've decided to go our separate ways. I've since started using Brian Hazard at Resonance Mastering. I don't want to jinx the project any further but so far I've been really pleased: the communication has been excellent; some mixes weren't accepted because they needed a few tweaks frequency-wise, which subsquently I feel have resulted in better mixes from which to master. I'm a bit punch-drunk from the last eight 7-14 hour days' work (and yes, my ears are suffering a bit - I'm a fool) but hopefully it bodes well for the future. |
............................................................................................................. BLOG - 6th August 2010 Went to the Blues Night (first Thursday of every month) at the Global Cafe last night and saw the remarkable Ben Cox-Smith play, ably supported by Howard Birchmore on harmonica (nice little solo stint by him too). If you want to see and hear authentic Delta- Blues then this is highly recommended.... |
............................................................................................................. BLOG - 30th July 2010 Subscribe and get 10% discount off all releases from www.andrewshearer.com.... |
............................................................................................................. BLOG - 22nd July 2010 Many believe that the existence of the BBC is in danger both from our current Government and the Murdoch family and their News International Corporation. If this concerns you, then please go to the link below which gives guidance on how you can protest to your MP etc. http://www.38degrees.org.uk/page/speakout/bbc-license-fee |
............................................................................................................. BLOG - 21st July 2010 Final mixes have gone off to Andy Jackson for mastering (:-). |
............................................................................................................. BLOG - 16th July 2010 At The Water's Edge to be released for digital download and on CD in September. Free download of the "deluxe" version of "Crackerjack" will be available once the mastering is complete (Andy Jackson @ Tube Mastering currently on tour with Eden House). |
............................................................................................................. BLOG - 15th July 2010 I know I'm biased (I'm a big fan of his, particularly his album "I'm Alive" and the song "Barricades of Heaven") but I think Jackson Browne has written an interesting article about how the BP Oil Spill and bottled water could be seen to be related. It's published (somewhat surprisingly, some might say) in the Daily Mail: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-1293678/Jackson-Browne-I-Blame-bottled-water-oil-spill.html?ito=feeds-newsxml... |
............................................................................................................. BLOG - 1st July 2010 Well another deadline missed. I was hoping to get At The Water's Edge released in June but again I underestimated how long everything takes (in my defence, there are 14 songs!). As the whole thing gets better and as I learn more, I guess I'm also guilty of becoming aware of the possibilities and just trying to squeeze the most out of the songs. However I think it's there now. I just need to let Mr. Holdcroft do a sanity check..... |
............................................................................................................. BLOG - 27th May 2010 Finally went to the audiologist yesterday, who was very helpful. Good news is that the ears seem to be okay except for a bit of loss in the upper frequencies which may not necessarily be due to the work I've been doing. We talked about the psychological implications of tinnitus and how to deal with it...... |
............................................................................................................. BLOG - 17th May 2010 Watching the Boy George drama on UK TV last night reminded me of a tipping point for embarking on this adventure. It was January '07, I was still in my previous life as a technical trainer; holed up in a plush hotel room in New Dehli with the ubiquitous Dehli-belly..... |
............................................................................................................. Newsletter - 28th March 2010 Hi, I thought I'd just update you on what's been happening. I guess the main news is that I've developed tinnitus, which has delayed things somewhat. I don't know if I'm being a bit of a wimp but I've avoided doing very much audio work for the last five weeks, just to try and let the ears recover.... |
............................................................................................................. BLOG - 26th March 2010 Just uploading some unmastered demos to YouTube: www.youtube.com/andrewshearercom and to MySpace: www.myspace.com/andrewshearercom Have a good weekend. Andrew |
............................................................................................................. BLOG - 15th March 2010 Well it's been almost a month since I stopped the audio work to give my ears a rest. Some days I think there's been a big improvement, others I'm not so sure. Anyway, I'll see the doctor later (yes, I know , I should've gone earlier) just to make sure it's not due to infection and has been, as I suspect, due to over-exposure whilst I've been working. There are lots of miracle cures on the internet, all wanting you to part with your money. Of course people should be paid for the good work they do, but how can you tell which ones are bone-fide? Talking of snake-oil merchants...... |
............................................................................................................. BLOG - 19th February 2010 A blog? Why a blog? I just found that there were some things that I wanted to write which people may have been interested in and yet I didn't think warranted a newsletter. A case in point is that I've got a really bad case of tinnitus. I've tried to be careful over the last couple of years but I guess my ears have taken quite a hammering. There have been very few days that I haven't worked. I couldn't afford to, what with all the technical problems last year. And I'm always conscious of time ticking by. I've got to say it's a little distressing, this constant ringin..... |
............................................................................................................. Newsletter - 6th February 2010 Well, I've just received my first financial reward for this ridiculous enterprise I've embarked on. Fifty pounds is hardly going to buy my first Ferrari but to be honest it probably means more to me than a Ferrari; vindication that perhaps I might just be doing something right. The money was for second prize in a writing competition, the story can be found here: http://www.writersnews.co.uk/showcase/shearer/default.asp Anyway, back to the album (more of which soon). Andrew |
............................................................................................................. Newsletter - 26th January 2010 Well, finally, at long last, the songs have gone off for mastering. The last ten weeks have been a bit of slog but hopefully it's been worth it. In fact I know it has, I'm just a bit too close to it all to be able to tell the wood for the trees at the moment. I guess we're looking at mid to late February (2010!) for release now.... |
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